Ever wonder what goes on when you join the Cosmic Goodness Party? Here’s a chance to find out!

I’m pulling back the curtain for a sneak peek of what goes on in the monthly newsletter, where, for the year of 2013 we’re traveling through the chakras as they correspond to the seasonal wheel of the year.

Currently we’ve traveled through chakra Seven and I’m about to share all about how your High Chakras support not just your daily life — but your very purpose for being here. (Say what? More than seven chakras? you say? Yes! In the system I use there are not just the first Seven chakras, but also the High Chakras which continue up through the Twelfth. These chakras carry a tremendous amount of information and wisdom from your soul, and in my experience can be life changing when you give them your attention!)

You in? Great! Take a few minutes to enjoy my unique perspective on the Fifth chakra:

…The fifth month of the year, May, reflects where we now find ourselves, contemplating the 5th chakra, located at the throat: Vishuddha.


13306567_mThis is where we fully manifest into the world all that makes up who we are.

This is where your unique vibration realizes its potential, as we cast it out into the world.

This is where you’re story gets told by the one person who knows the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth about your story: YOU.

Think of the other chakras as your instruments  – each one conveying specific experiences and beliefs that inform us —  and here is where they all come together and generate a powerful symphony that longs to be heard. This pulses through the body and manifests itself through our Voice.  Our personal song. Our TRUTH.

As you well know at this point from the progression through the chakras, what informs all the other chakras – both the lower ones and also those above– has everything to do with how that expression, or lack thereof, will play out.

Will you feel like Juliet Andrews twirling with the birds singing on that mountaintop in the Sound of Music … or a monk under vows of silence

Another round of "Tie A Yellow Ribbon"! Awww, come on!

Another round of “Tie A Yellow Ribbon”! Awww, come on!

shoved on stage at the local karaoke contest?


The foundation and stability, the desires of the lower chakras serve to inspire your voice. The inspiration,  vision  and wisdom of the chakras above help to craft it.

And if your life is a symphony, the conductor in your orchestra then, is Trust.


What’s (love +) Trust got to do with it?

Actually, everything. No surprise, the heart chakra in many ways is the throne of the 5th, our voice.

With a stable, well-built foundation through the previous chakras – where there is firm grounding in self-love – then, when the desire to sing your song to the world comes on strong, you feel ready and able to do so.

No matter who’s in the audience, you won’t look to them for adulation or permission. You know your deepest expressions are relevant and meaningful, that they have a rightful place in this world. You believe and trust that your voice adds to the greater orchestra of our community.

But if you are not able to use all your instruments (if a chakra say, has become blocked due to trauma, or corruption whether in a past life or current lifetime) your orchestra will falter and struggle with any tune you long to share. And if the conductor in this case (trust in yourself, in your truth) has checked out, it becomes even harder to fully express yourself, to sing your song. Maybe she’s loitering at the bar in a fog of sorrow, maybe she’s too busy in the lobby trying to impress the wrong people…nonetheless, your orchestra is left not knowing what to do.

When to strike the drum or pull off a killer guitar riff … when to reach for that crescendo. Or even when to have that enormous, important moment of silence.


When we can’t trust ourselves, it can feel like our internal conductor bailed on us – she just suddenly got up and left the stage, right in the middle of the grand finale. This is ultimately what happens when we don’t or can’t trust our 5th chakra, our voice. I have seen again and again with clients that trust is a key factor in a healthy throat chakra and therefore, self-expression.

Without self-trust to ‘conduct’ your song, your orchestra is lost. Your song loses its rhythm and may never reach its full potential.


Aspects in your daily life

Imagine the woman who is a powerhouse in her work – let’s call her Betty. She’s by all accounts successful and doing well, a real powerhouse who knows her stuff. But deep inside, she knows what she’s really capable of. She knows how she’s holding back. She knows that her ‘song’ could bring standing ovations.

166688001She may in fact, be highly verbal and expressive, however she never feels truly ‘heard.’ Instead, she feels an intense disconnect with her inner world and her outer one. She’s smart and tenacious, though, so she works overtime to compensate (her chakra in this case may be what is often called in “excess”). She may spend a lot of time talking about things that don’t really matter to her, or find she can speak to others needs easily ….

But when it comes to her personal truth, she is speechless. Her conductor bails on her.

The back-story (because there always is one, right?): Betty loved to write as a little girl. But her parents were harsh and critical, always putting away her silly childish stories for serious academic demands. Her creativity was invalidated. Yet if she spoke about logical, practical things her parents not only listened but responded to her with kindness and affection.

What do you think she learned here? That’s right!

She quickly learned that her deep inner creative longings – which ultimately, is the channel for her gift and therefore her unique VOICE – was not relevant. With this block being created in her 2nd, she may spend years trying to find other ways to seek validation in the external world that her purpose would usually inspire. And she will never feel completely satisfied, understood, ‘heard’ or even loved.

She took what was a natural part of her composition – her special gift in this lifetime — ripped it up by its roots and hid it away. This creates a hole in Betty. Or to keep with our metaphor of the orchestra, her internal Conductor of Trust has bailed in the middle of a set: she has no trust in what are her natural gifts.

And now she has a bigger problem on her hands: because when you lose the inner Conductor of Trust, when you rip out those gifts and hide them away… you still have not removed the longing to express those gifts.

And this is because no matter how you may deny it or fight it, you cannot remove the karmic urge in this lifetime to express your personal gifts. You can’t rip out, deny or get rid of what is part of your destiny. Because this is your individual, special gift we’re talking about! It’s the entire reason your soul chose to manifest through you in the first place.

But of course, we often don’t realize this at the time, right? The cost of blocking  or denying our voice. (Especially as children, naturally putting so much of our trust in those who nurture and raise us.) So we try to find anyone or anything we can to fill the hole. Where the conductor of trust once sat, we now scramble to find something to take their place. And there is no one, no amount of things or recognition –  that can replace something as precious as our self-trust.

Back to Betty: now, at 39 years old, on the eve of her 40th birthday, she’s that powerhouse success who can talk a blue streak about finances, or data, or… what have you. But late at night, when she tries to journal her deepest longings, when she plays with characters that have followed her around in her head for years, longing for her to tell their  story, instead she is reduced to tears. Her throat chokes up. And her conductor is left out in the cold.


To change this, she’ll need to get to the root cause of her stifled voice, her gifts. She may need to look into belief systems and patterns through her family history, for one, such as with a good therapist. She may need to dig really deep and challenge herself to speak out and express her desires and creative urges, maybe through improv classes.

But energetically, she will need to get to bottom of the karmic events that caused why this occurred: what set up this dynamic in the first place? What put her at risk, so to say, for having her 5th chakra compromised? It may reside in the home she grew up in, or it may be due to trauma from another lifetime.  By seeking to uncover and heal this blocked  energy, she can begin to truly untangle the energy bound up there.

Then, instead of meaningless people, words, or things being shoved into the conductor position, she’ll put Trust back where it belongs. And she can get down to authentic self-expression.


This is only one example, but of course our voice can be silenced or stuffed down in countless ways.

What happens to your voice when you want to speak your song, your truth? Do you freeze up? Do you whisper and shake, or do you shout and scream things you don’t even mean? Do you babble on endlessly, never making your point?

It’s not only what you say — or can’t say — but how you speak that can often hint to the deeper energies at play in this chakra.


Take time to honor your voice, your song… what are you denying that is something you have always wanted to do, or express? Your gift lies there, waiting to be honored. As is often depicted in poetry and politics, the world is created by those who speak up, show up.

When you honor your gifts, your 5th chakra runs strong and true, and whether you are quiet and soft, or loud and clear, the world will benefit from your song.




Mantra I SING

Keywords: vibration, manifestation, voice, song, self-expression, deep truth, self-trust, true will, conviction, creative expression, choked up, stifled, speechless, double-talk, ‘speaking from both sides of their mouth’, liberation

Totem: Lark

Lark revels in the passage of life for life’s sake. Light of heart and filled with joy, her song ripples across the horizon with the break of dawn. Unassuming in her nature, she trusts her place within the circle of life and the symphony created by Spirit which she contributes to. With love + magic in her voice, she inspires all who will listen to Trust in kind.



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