[ If you’re reading this it means you’re willing, ready and able to experiment with Afformations, as I discussed in PART ONE. And if you stumbled on this – Hi! Welcome! – you really may want to take a moment and read part one first so you’re on the same page with us. Don’t worry, we’ll hang out til you’re done… ]

Let’s take a moment to experiment with afformations. While it’s a great thing to have no distractions, you can do this quietly wherever you are, right now. (I won’t tell anyone, it’s just you and me here!). Sit quietly in your chair and take a deep breath. Now, think on this:

Everything is a mess, why is life is so hard?

How do you feel? Pay attention to any tense sensations in your body and exaggerate any reaction you are having so that you can really experience it.
Do you find yourself looking down, or even flinching?
How does your breathing feel – shallow? Short?
How does your gut feel, your chest? Tight? Heavy?
Exaggerate contortions of your body into those sensations and see how deep they go. Now, pay close attention to the random thoughts that start to crowd your mind: I’m going to take a bet here that the majority of them aren’t cheery and positive, even if you’re having a good day.

Come back to yourself. Take a big deep breath (three is good; let it all out). I want you to bring a smile to your face – doesn’t have to be bold or goofy, a relaxed upward turn of the lips is good. Now, do the same but think about this instead:

How much beauty can I find in the world today?

How do you feel? Again, pay attention to the rhythm of your breathing – does it seem different? Relaxed?

Exaggerate the response in your body and explore. Do you find yourself looking around, or do your eyes widen?
Did you experience a deeper breath, lightness in the head? Maybe in your chest? What are your shoulders doing right now?
Do you sit up straighter, or maybe just relax a bit more overall?
Really feel how far this question carries you. And once more, pay attention to the thoughts flooding into your mind. What are they made of? Most likely, they are more positive in nature, maybe even (gasp!) a bit sunny or optimistic.

Subconsciously, when you’re pondering the negative query, the body and mind shut down, in defensive response to the thought you posed – it’s anticipating where the ‘bone’ we talked about in PART ONE is going to get chucked, and where it will have to go in order to support this bummer question. It may be dark and scary where you’re headed, so it wants to get the body ready. Your brain is trying to protect you (because whatever sucks is a threat and that is Bad, man, BAD, I say!), and it sends signals for the body to get it together, calling in ego to step up and generate emotions like fear and anger, to get the primal response it needs for survival. At some point it may even shut down, so to speak. It is not looking for an answer but for relief from the stress, a way out.

Energetically, the field around your body may grow rigid and murky, unable to engage – to receive or give – with others well and causing you to feel trapped or stuck. Depending on your personal baggage and history, certain chakras may begin to stall or burn out, working extra hard to address the problem. You also will begin to engage with people who vibrationally fit the picture you are creating.

The positive query also creates vibrational shifts, but this is a bone toss that excites the brain about where it may be going; it immediately searches for how to answer the question. Now it’s driven to seek out beauty. Or joy, or happiness, or resolution, or the perfect response to a bad situation, etc. Ego relaxes, because it’s not needing to bring in the big guns, and the heart gets to stand in center stage and start making its magic. It is not looking for protection but for a way to celebrate and respond to the query. To create the world this question needs, and serve it.

Suddenly, it’s looking for potential instead of lockdown.

Energetically, the field around your body begins to engage, growing more vital, ebbing and flowing with the environment it exists in. Looking to give and receive in a symbiotic relationship with the atmosphere. With continued support of this approach, your chakras generate a healthy balance to respond to challenges as they arise. And yup, you guessed it – you also begin to engage with others who fit this vibrant, awesome picture.

This also means that when you harness your mind (when you choose where to throw that bone), you are in the driver’s seat. You have all the power. Not your doubts or fears, not your reckless emotions. Which means you can be the magician of your life! (Let that one sink in. You can make magic in your life every day, all day, as much as you are willing.)

Remember: Whatever you pose as a question, the brain wants to respond to, and wants to find ways to make happen. So make sure it’s worthwhile – something that reflects Who You Are. Not who you have tried to be, who you think you should be, or who you struggle to become based on what others demand of you.

Add this cosmic tool into your medicine bag o’ tricks. Try this for one week, every day. Generate your question throughout the day and see how your perspective and reality shifts.

Go for it! And please tell me how it went for you in the comments below, or email me privately at unshakablesoul(at)gmail.com. I’d like to thank Dr. Noah St. John for his article on afformations, wish inspired this practice.

Do you need help just creating those ‘right questions’? Sometimes we’ve got baggage or walls in our way, making it difficult to even find our path, let alone walk it. I would be honored to help. Let’s work together. Contact me at unshakablesoul (at) gmail.com.What are you waiting for? YOU are the cavalry, the white horse, the magic that you’ve been waiting for!

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