From the blog series, Unlocking Your Karmic Potential


There are many various ways that we can experience interference in our lives, stemming from the energetic.

Let’s look at an example, and then explore some of the ways that the challenges and struggles we’re experiencing manifest through our system.

Sometimes a Clearing Is Not The Answer

Julie had a problem. She’d done enough self-work at this point to know that she had a terrible block of some kind in her 5th chakra — in fact, this was an issue that had been building for years.

She had always struggled a bit with speaking her mind, but this ‘issue’ at this point had developed into a full-blown block. She seemed to attract people constantly who challenged her personal truth, she even found herself having coughing fits during critical moments at work — and deep down inside, she had to admit feeling she related to that ‘imposter complex’ she recently read about.

Julie called up a local healer who had helped her with some energy stuff years ago, and after a wonderful clearing, felt quite a shift.

But then a mere few weeks later, all her patterns came back — she was constantly second guessing herself and what she deeply wanted to express, and was back to having throat issues.

She longed to move into an area of work that highlighted her inherent gifts, but was finding herself more and more tongue-tied at critical moments, let alone feeling capable of stepping into her power.  After a big blow up with her boyfriend that stemmed from her refusal to tell him her needs,  she felt like things were getting worse rather than better.

Julie spent the next year seeking out endless modalities and trying alternative methods, one after the other. She often would find relief, but then, once again within weeks, sometimes days, she would continue finding herself living with the same patterns and issues. She couldn’t help think at this point that maybe she was just broken, maybe there was something so fundamentally wrong with her, that she was a hopeless cause. She wouldn’t want to admit it to anyone, but she was seriously beginning to  worry maybe she was cursed. That happens to people, right?

What’s going on with Julie?

I have seen variations of this scenario many times. What’s underneath the inability to move through or thoroughly ‘clear’ these issues is not that Julie (or you, if you can relate) is broken.

Not at all.

The problem here is attempting to address what I call a Root Cause issue as if it’s only a surface injury that needs a band aid. When you have karmic patterns that are playing out at this level, you are running on energetic patterns that are informing — and influencing — you on a foundational levels: you must get to the inception of the issue, that root cause, if you truly want to begin experiencing lasting, effective transformation.

In Julie’s case, as with many clients, she came to me at the end of her rope. I assessed her chakras and overall subtle body, as they are an excellent way to see how these issues are presenting, and then from there we followed through with the process I’ve developed of karmic-based shamanic healing.

I was able to journey to the lifetime where her soul was deeply challenged by issues of worth and speaking truth, nesting there in the 5th chakra through the subtle body at death (as we’ve explored in previous chapters).

We discovered her Karmic Sibling in that lifetime had experienced actual damage to the throat, during a traumatic journey oversea that brought about their death by drowning. And sadly, the spirit of this person, in their shock and confusion, had never fully crossed over at their time of passing.

In Julie’s case, this situation was a bit unusual – from that other lifetime she actually had that Karmic Ghost in her field, interfering with her every move to express and realize her personal truth (I’ll be going into that more in our next chapter, don’t worry. For now, know that we can have various types of ‘interference’ and this is a version that may be particularly challenging).

Once we were able to shift the healing from this core level, like a ripple across a calm lake, Julie and her karmic sibling — whose spirit I helped to return to the Other Side — experienced a soulful exhale.


Then — and this is key to the process in the Freedom Sessions — we worked to anchor this shift here in her day-to-day life, with practices to help her ego get on board with this life-changing energy healing, and not be tempted to go out and re-create the wheel. Julie experienced a revolutionary breakthrough in her life that she had spent years longing for and chasing.

Finally, she not only began experiencing her truth and finding her voice, but trusting that she could.


marivi pazos via unsplash

It’s very important when we experience a truly comprehensive and effectual energetic healing, that we bring our psyche and ego along in the process. Otherwise, the ego — who up until this point has generated specific habits in an effort to protect you, come what may — will try and reproduce the very patterns that you are trying so hard to transform.

This isn’t a reason to find more ways to hate our ego (ego gets a bad rap!). Remember, ego can’t help itself, as this is how it functions and therefore it doesn’t know any different. We all have default patterns that develop both from our soul heritage (that karmic influence) and blood heritage here in our current lifetime, and ego is greatly influenced by these; they can be deeply ingrained in both our psyche, and in our subtle bodies.

I’ve seen again and again, that any energetic healing is far more effective when we ground it here in the practical realm. It’s crucial to bridge the energetic with the physical, the divine with the practical.

In this way, we need to think of our ego as a small child, one who is scared and simply trying to do whatever they can to help us survive. We, as the soulful parent in this relationship, need to be loving and disciplined, ready to show ego the new ways we will employ empowering patterns in our day to day lives, instead of falling back into negative default patterns that don’t serve us anymore.  

It takes practice and time, but the rewards are so worth it!

For a deep-seated issue that is running as a consistent or chronic pattern we’re struggling with, is it possible to have a healing or clearing that does just that — gets to the root cause there in the moment and spontaneously heals? Yes, absolutely – though they are not the rule, but the exception.

If you find that what you’ve pursued has not given you relief, consider you may not be working at a Root Cause level yet. Working with a practitioner who can tell the difference can be very helpful and effective – and it can make all the difference in the world for your personal revolution.







Next up:

Now, let’s look at some of the common forms that these interferences causing blocks and challenges in our lives may take. What’s getting in your way? Click here to read Chapter Seven: let’s talk cords, vampires and karmic ghosts!



Karmic Sibling: The soul generates many lifetimes – you are but one in a family of many. Combining all these other lifetimes, each person is a ‘karmic sibling’ of yours.

Karmic Ghost: Usually a karmic sibling, but can also be another person or being entirely; someone who, at their time of death, did not cross over for whatever reason (due to shock, confusion, etc). They may become earthbound, or they may also track a karmic sibling and create influence and intrigue in their day to day lives (this is shown usually as attachments or wounding in the chakra system).

Root Cause: The inception point of a challenge or wound, the moment in time or place when an issue very first was generated, found in previous/other lifetimes; there may be many other events that build from this point, creating a complex influence over lifetimes. Once transformed from this place, profound and lasting healing can be realized.

Soul Heritage: The heritage carried by the human being, from their soul’s lifetimes – think of Soul Heritage as the karmic DNA you carry. Your soul’s heritage informs it’s many lifetimes; karmically speaking, the soul’s heritage may carry karmic lessons, patterns, that are not being experienced or processed in a current life. See Blood Heritage.

Subtle Body: The part of one’s self that carries our energy, believed in some paths to be of opposite gender than the physical (regardless of sexual orientation, or gender). When one astral travels, it is the etheric body that does so. This is never ‘cut off’ from the physical body, and is connected via what is referred to as the silver cord.

:: Case studies may be a composite of clients in order to protect their privacy.

Are you experiencing challenges in your life, in the guise of sabotage or negative intrigue, even with years of effort and hard work? There may be karmic patterns at play – I’d love to help you understand how your Energy Archetypes can serve your highest potential.

Reach out and let’s chat. Contact me here

Reader Note: Unlocking Your Karmic Potential … is series of articles I’ve created to help you navigate your journey here on Earth with greater soul-awareness. Think of it as a foundation from which to build a deeper understanding of the karmic lessons you are working through within this lifetime, the roles your spirit guides play, and why understanding things like energy, dreams, shadow work and chakras can make a profound difference in your life – a life lived with clarity, confidence and purpose.


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