From the blog series, Unlocking Your Karmic Potential


Your soul brought you into this life with a host of karmic DNA – what we could say helps to create what I call your karmic cocktail.

This is what can make or break you, in so many ways, as you are being influenced every moment by your soul’s karmic patterns. And ego has to deal with it, whether it wants to or not, whether it’s aware of it or not.

I’m hoping you’re already thinking how knowing more about your karmic influences, the patterns that you are bringing in and being mindful and aware of them, being conscious of what  (and who) they are, might really pay off for you.

And I bet by now, you’re wondering what’s in your karmic cocktail (I don’t know about you, but I want to know what I’m imbibing, yes?).

What can make or break you?

How are you being unconsciously influenced by your soul’s karmic patterns?

Your karmic cocktail is uniquely yours and yours alone, and understanding its recipe (even if you prefer it to be a green smoothie or cup of tea) can make all the difference in your life, including your relationship with Lady Luck. (We’ll get to more of that later.)

There are four parts to a karmic cocktail. Remember that an important ingredient will be chosen by your soul, based on karmic imprints that their many lives have experienced on their behalf: they will choose specific lessons to work on in this lifetime  — your karmic theme, or Purpose — this is your first crucial ingredient, as it sets the tone for your entire life.

Now, one’s purpose is a big topic – but in truth it’s really that simple. It is the soul’s chosen mission in this lifetime, influenced from their overall arc of evolution encompassing many lifetimes and infused with layers upon layers of karma.

Which leads us to the second ingredient, called a Soul Constellation.


Forming a Soul Constellation

What happens before we reincarnate? Each of our souls enter into what we could call a planning phase before it begins a new life. These plans often center around specific karmic themes with a core purpose, such as power, healing or abandonment issues.

These are just a few examples; the list is long, as life is complex and multifaceted, and we all have much to learn.

Whatever karmic theme emerges and is chosen, your soul will pull experiences from relevant past lives in order to achieve the best support and challenges they need in their upcoming life. These past lives, then, become essential influences – belief patterns, core hopes and dreams and even fears, our very sense of purpose –  on the specific lifetime the soul is crafting.

I call this your soul constellation – so called because of a beautiful image, like the one you see above, that guidance showed me of the soul’s multitude of lives and their potential influence: imagine a being of light in the center, with many filaments of light spiraling outward, coalescing and touching at various points, creating an amazing pattern of energy.


These constellations are life itself, illuminated for what it is: shadow and light. And each and every one of these lifetimes are a mutual experience: they are your karmic siblings, part of your soul’s cosmic family. (In the above image I tried to recreate what guides showed me, using symbolic colors for ease of understanding: you see the center blue star as the soul, with white stars as the karmic siblings from other lifetimes, and the gold star representing ‘your’ lifetime.)

As we bring greater awareness to these lifetimes, and how they touch and influence one another, they are also illuminated, revealing to us deeper and deeper truths and personal wisdom.

The soul and the ego: a symbiotic relationship

The soul and the ego are the other two main ingredients in your karmic cocktail. While you might not expect it, the soul and the ego ideally can work quite closely together.

Remember these are both part of you: the soul generates a physical house, your body, here on Earth and that in turn generates an ego that dwells in that house (how?, exactly, you ask. I’m still exploring what magical biological/psychological/cellular process actually creates the ego. It certainly is a fascinating question that is not asked enough: from where is the ego generated?).

valentina locatelli via unsplash

You, and you’re ego, along with your body, for this lifetime are your soul’s ambassador in the physical realm.

The ego is a generated aspect of us, made to serve this process of corporeal existence, and is what I often call the ‘wild card’ in this recipe. While there is much that can be planned by a soul for it’s lifetime, the ego is, in comparison, what we might call a spontaneous, random volunteer.

I often share a simple story of what I playfully imagine happens when a soul is preparing to incarnate on earth: there’s the dear soul, about to jump off the cosmic plane to it’s birth in the physical realm, and there at the door their guide hands them a card: this card holds precious info as to the ego they will have.

“Drat!” says the soul, “I’ve got a puffed-up insecure ego on this mission to work with?!”.

The upside of this strange marriage, is that our experience of ego is what also provides the sense of free will – a powerful force in and of itself. I’ll talk about that more in later chapters, for now let’s return to our developing karmic cocktails.  

Just as the soul relies on you, it also needs the ego.

The ego has had a rather bad rap for centuries: everyone wants to transcend the ego, to connect with their soul, to experience a higher aspect of self. Constantly, we denigrate the ego to nothing more than a negative sod that gets in our way.

The soul in this way is often revered as far more evolved than ego (ironically, it is our ‘spiritual ego’ that does this, as an ego that intellectualizes the spiritual experience will feign to slay even itself in the name of impressing the peanut gallery).

It’s very important to remember that the soul is not concerned with hierarchy in the way that our ego is – it understands that it needs YOU, just as much as you long to connect with it.

All of you, including your ego.




Are you experiencing challenges in your life, in the guise of sabotage or negative intrigue, even with years of effort and hard work? There may be karmic patterns at play – I’d love to support transforming your karmic cocktail into ambrosia (truly divine).

Reach out and let’s chat. Contact me here




Next, in Chapter Four we’ll go deeper into the dynamics between the soul and ego, completing the Karmic Cocktail before we move onward and explore the Energy Archetypes™.

Click here for Chapter Four.









Reader Note: Unlocking Your Karmic Potential … is series of articles I’ve created to help you navigate your journey here on Earth with greater soul-awareness. Think of it as a foundation from which to build a deeper understanding of the karmic lessons you are working through within this lifetime, the roles your spirit guides play, and why understanding things like energy, dreams, shadow work and chakras can make a profound difference in your life – a life lived with clarity, confidence and purpose.



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